Welcome to the St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church Website
Livestream: Watch our Sunday services livestreamed on our YouTube channel "Saint Catherine GOC Ithaca" if you cannot make it in person. Past services are also available to watch. We encourage you to subscribe to our channel (click here).
Coffee Hour: All are welcomed to have refreshments and fellowship in the hall following services. If you are a member of our parish you are welcome to help by signing up on the board in the hall to host a coffee hour. We thank Philoptochos for organizing our fellowships.
Prayer Lists: Please let us know if there is anyone you would like us to pray for as a community and also update us about those that our currently on our lists. Please submit any names to Fr. Zinoviy.
Third Saturday of Lent Basil the Holy Martyr of Ancyra; Kalliniki & Vassilisa the Martyrs; Euthemios the New Martyr Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.Online Chapel
Saints and Feasts Commemorated